Thursday, October 25, 2007

October Full Moon

The Full Moon in Taurus reminds me of a something I have a deep love for, the Medicine Wheel. Shamanic and other Earth -Based traditions have used the Sacred Wheel since ancient times. A Medicine Wheel is a summary of ancient teachings with each of the Four Directions, South, West, North and East, representing unique powers. If you read books on Native Spirituality or Shamanism, you will find that there are many different types of Wheels. The colors and the meaning of each Direction may vary, but they are always important tools for healing and growth. The Wheel that I have studied has become a sacred road map which provides expert guidance. It teaches me about myself and points out the passage to power. I see it as a reflection of the Divine.

When a shaman is in ceremony, the Directions will be invoked with great flourish and beauty. The ceremony's shape and energy are formed as the shaman moves around the Wheel. No matter what the reason for the ceremony, the shaman will usually begin calling to the energies of the South. This is the place where the energies of trust and innocence reside. In the South we have the essential sensitivity to learn and to be open to receiving. It is a lovely, graceful state that opens the heart, an important ingredient for any ceremony.

The South is also the Direction where we build our foundations, our security. In Shamanic terms , it is the energy of “living with dignity in the material world.” It is providing for yourself well with all your needs taken care of. The energy of Taurus asks us what security means in our lives. Do we feel confident in our abilities to take care of ourselves? Are there things we desire, material things, which we deny ourselves? The South asks you to care for yourself as well as you would care for a beloved child. Now is the time to clear away any doubt that you are completely capable of doing so.

For this meditation you will need:
A white candle
A comfortable place to sit
A notebook and a pen

Take a moment to calm your mind and relax. Light your candle. If you like, now is a lovely moment to burn some sage. Sage smoke helps to clear energy in your space and around your body. Move the thick smoke around you slowly, in a circle. What a beautiful being you are, a perfect reflection of the Divine. Allow yourself to feel the glowing light you carry inside you without judgment. So often we slip into negative patterns of thought that diminish our power. This is your time to reflect in peace.

With eyes closed , call to mind an image of yourself at a young age. See yourself as clearly as you can. If you have a photo of yourself, it is ok to do this with eyes open looking at it. See how lovely this child is, how perfect. If any thoughts of criticism or past hurts arise, gently refocus your attention to the beauty of the child before you. All you want to do is send this child loving energy. There is no need for words or movements. Allow waves of unconditional love to flow from your heart.

After you are finished, take the notebook and begin to write a list of things you wish to do for that child. These could be very small things like take a walk in the park or have ice cream. Try to write at least 5 things. What you are doing is creating an agreement with yourself that deeply honors a beautiful, perhaps neglected part of you. Look over your list and know how sacred it is, how very much within the Power of the South you are. By hearing the requirements of that child you are “living with dignity in the world”; you are taking another graceful step into perfect self-esteem.

Now offer a prayer from your heart thanking the Divine. Do this in your own way but do remember to thank the elders, all those that have come before you that have given us the Sacred Wheel and the teachings of the South. You have touched the Circle of Wisdom, celebrate and be glad!